Choosing the Right Deep Drawing Press Supplier
At Delishi/Goodsjack, we not only provide high-quality deep drawing press machine, we also have the unique capability to draw a multitude of shapes in sizes far larger than most other manufacturers. And we can do it in a variety of materials, including stainless, cold rolled carbon, low alloy, and commercial and high-strength carbon steels, as well as aluminum, copper, brass, and more. Deep draw stamping is a metal forming process to produce a seamless multi-dimensional part. Annealing is the treatment process that uses heat to alter metal’s physical and chemical properties to relieve the stress of the material caused by the deep draw forming process, making the metal softer and easier to manipulate the shape of the material. Together, these processes provide an extremely cost-effective solution at high levels of production, and allows manufacturers the ability to easily, efficiently create products with complex geometries and seamless parts. The best option for you...