
目前显示的是标签为“Automotive Shock Absorber Oil Storage Tank”的博文

Hydraulic Cold Extrusion Press for Automotive Shock Absorber Oil Storage Tank

Cold extrusion is a mechanical processing method that is mainly used to produce high-precision metal parts, including various parts such as bearings, gears, and shaft pins. This processing method is widely used in the machinery industry, and its ability to produce high-precision parts also plays a very important role in the metal processing industry. The oil storage tank of the automobile shock absorber is processed by this cold extrusion molding process.                                                       The technical process of cold extrusion of automobile shock absorber oil storage cylinder by  hydraulic cold extrusion press  is mainly divided into several steps: 1. Processing analysis: First, it is necessary to analyze the parts of the automobile shock absorber oil storage tank to be processed, and analyze the parameters of the material,...